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Goals and Agreements

Art In Hard Times

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

Project Goals

Feel connected.

During this time of social isolation, we have the opportunity to feel our emotions, reflect on our life purpose, and learn better ways of being. But it may be hard to do this alone in full isolation. In this project, participants will have many opportunities to connect with other Guelph locals to play, engage in art making, and reflect deeply about these tender times.

Voice the messages of today for the generations of the future.

We are living a time when large masses of people are protesting on our streets all over the world demanding justice for racial discrimination and white supremacy. The pandemic and these movements are interconnected, and many elders are encouraging us to stand up and turn this moment a gateway for a better future. The finished mural becomes a virtual megaphone sharing stories to a wider public.

Project Agreements

Participating Fully

The best way to give back to this project is by putting your 100% in this project. Skill is not what matters here. What matters, is you putting all your heart in completing all the weekly exercises. Give yourself enough time and space to enjoy the process and go deeper into the exploration. Participate on the community activities, and share your reflections.

Be Kind

When we are doing something new, it is very important we are super kind with ourselves. When that little internal voice begins putting you down, give yourself a big hug and tell it to relax because you are here to have fun while trying new things out. Also, be kind to others. For us as a group to be able to silly with each other, get creative, and play, we need a judgement-free environment.

Be aware

To be able to be really kind, you need to listen to what is happening inside of you. This will be incredibly helpful. Pay attention to what kind of thoughts are going through your mind, as well as what kind of emotions you are navigating through this process. Tune in to your body needs as well. And more importantly: be curious about the quality of connection with your fellow participants and Art Buddies.

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Art In Hard Times

Virtual Mural

We acknowledge the history of displacement, colonization, and extermination of Indigenous people, plants and living animals across Turtle Island while we stand and live in these lands. We acknowledge the 300 years of slavery and many other deliberate projects forgetting and erasure based on race, ability, mental illness, gender and sexuality, and class. We also need to bring to mind that the devices such as computers and phones required for this project, are created as a result of extraction of resources of metals and the exploitation of labour from places in Africa and South America. This is destroying the environment and leaving communities in poverty. We acknowledge that although the participants in the project speak a wide range of beautiful languages, we are limited to using the colonial language English. This excludes many new immigrants, and perpetuates the loss of many native languages. Furthermore, even though we believe internet should be a utility and not a luxury, we recognize this platform requires internet and this is also a big barrier for many friends who do not have access. We are confronting many difficulties to do our work in the most ethical way possible. We want to go beyond acknowledging these realities taking action, and we are far from where we would like to be. We are deeply grateful to the spiritual leaders, activists, elders, knowledge-holders, scientists, healers, and witches who have dedicated their lives lifting our spirit, raising awareness, educating, healing, and guiding. We are committed to learning and unlearning how to be in and build relationships with local communities, and honour local knowledge that is often misrepresented or misheard. We are here ready to fail, be with the discomfort, and continue listening, loving, and creating. We are trying our best to reinvent and regenerate our ways of being, sharing, and connecting with each other and with the earth. We invite you to be part of this co-creation, and we welcome your feedback. 

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