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Who Are We?

Art In Hard Times

Updated: Jul 10, 2020

Darah (She/Her)

My name is Darah Galbraith, and my pronouns are she/her. I often feel that I am best described as a road. I am very young right now, and I often find that people are curious as to what I plan to do with my future, and honestly I wonder as well. It often seems that people are more concerned with where I'm going than how I am right now, and I feel quite the opposite. I like the trip more than I like the destination. I am perfectly happy watching everything play out and seeing what I become when I get there, but I suppose that's not how everyone else feels about it.


My name is Patrica Byrne Butchart, I am a female intuitive artist.  I never know what will come out on my canvas.  I start with no intention or idea in my head.  I chose this painting because it  best describes the little child in me and how if someone asks me to draw something I will draw stick people.  This is an acrylic painting on 22x30 water color paper.  I had painted this large canvas with all shades of blue and then I wanted to play,  so, I added my stick people. 

 A frog, just came to my mind, and I would hop from lily pad to lily pad.  Just like in my life, I like to jump from one thing or place, to another.  Don't know where that came from?????? or the lily pad that the frog hops onto!!!!  I think lily pads are places of adventure and can be discovered anywhere in the world.  

Hayley (She/Her)

My name is Hayley Watson, pronouns She/Her. The object that I chose to represent me is a camera.

The camera is like my life. I'm constantly upgrading the lens, making it better, and changing my view on the world. I know a new lens will cost me, but it's worth it, because the picture will be clearer and better overall.

Actually, life is like a camera. You start out using someone else's lens (your parent, guardian, or whoever you live with), and it's borrowed or used. As you grow up, you notice cracks, scratches, and imperfections in the lens, so you upgrade. The lens gets better and better, and the picture gets clearer. Eventually, though, the camera itself is worn out. It's old, outdated, and the world has moved on. But your contribution has had an effect on the world. Your images and pictures document what it was like for you to exist here, and that's what I aim to do. I'm not a photographer, but I'm here to upgrade my lens and learn more about others' struggles and how I can learn from other people's experiences to build a better picture. 

My voice has not been marginalized. I know that this project was built to give a platform for people who need to speak, and for people who need to hear them, and I'm here to listen. I want to be a better person and to build a better world, and I'm grateful for this opportunity to learn. (the image attached was hand-drawn by me)


Some are said to be grandmothers but mostly they are grandfathers...the great and grand stones amongst us. I carry my grandmothers spirit with me and so I’m drawn to this story of and my connection to both this stone and my grandmother...of whom I’ve never met...and has since passed on into the spirit world. I know she led a tumultuous life of that I’m certain; that’s also how I know I carry her strong spirit with me.

Myself: I see myself as strong as in the density of the stone -formed under constant pressure - the strength to have been broken and yet still no less in strength

Weathering breaks them

Like stones I can be abrasive

What mostly moves stones is water and I’m drawn to the protection of and conservation of water

They’re earthy - I find myself down to earth as in

-Neither arrogant nor flashy

-Able to meet many different people (and other earth dwellers) where they are at in space and time.

The creation of stones are quite lengthy

This particular type of stone fascinates

Dull and rough on outside

Bright and sparkling on the inside

Stones are foundations. And I feel I have done that for my sons and for the future.

Angeni (She/Her)

Hi, my name is Angeni. I chose to draw this image for week one because it describes me best, the picture is a hyacinth a type of flower, the meaning of the flower varies with each colour for example: the read and pink hyacinth (which I chose for this image) means kindness, love and compassion I feel this describes me best out of all the colours. I try my hardest to put all these elements into my art. I used watercolor paint for the splatters around the flowers to show my energetic and joyful personality. 

Tarin (She/Her)

My name is Tarindhya Karunagoda. I'm usually called Tarin for short. 

My pronouns are She/Her. 

The reason I chose this drawing to represent me is that firstly, my name means the moon. Secondly, my favourite flower is the Sunflower, which was a symbol I was given on my cubby when I was in kindergarten in Japan. So it holds a part of my childhood. To me, the incomplete flower means that it's a work in progress, much as I am.

Charity (They/Them)

My name is Charity, and I use they pronouns. I chose and conjured up this image of a balled mass of greens with a little eye peeking out, to represent myself. I can come off as very shy at first, and that’s because I like to observe things, scenarios, people, anything really, before I go to interact with them. I often don’t feel safe jumping right into things and am still combatting a lot of trust and confidence issues with the world (it’s a life-long process I suppose). These days I’ve been filled with a lot of anxiety and unrest, but drawing and surrounding myself with art has helped me stay more grounded and to have a stronger sense of my purpose and reason for existing. Though this may seem like a sad introduction, I chose to draw leaves unfurling and numerous roots growing to show that I am currently in a process of change and evolution. This current time for me feels very turbulent and uncertain, but I see it as a time of growth for a more calming and stable future. I chose to represent myself as a plant because of its vital presence to our existence. I love showing appreciation for the things that keep us going as well as recognizing the elements that we often don’t think about that are supporting us and holding us through our journey in life; plants being one of them. The thing is, I can also be a very loud and vibrant person as well, but it takes me time and those moments don’t last very long, but they are there, and that’s why I chose to bring it out in the outlines of this image. A warm rose pink, to show that I enjoy laughter, care, kindness, and loving exchanges of energy, and when the right moment and time comes, I can come in as a burst of joy! I consider myself to simply be: a ball of potential growth, slowly overcoming their challenges, to unfurl into an energizing explosion.

All these things are a part of me, and they all shape and mould my integral core. It is lovely to meet all of you and I’m very excited to see what our creations will look like when they all come together!

Hope Engel (She/They)

I'm visibly white, Choctaw Chickasaw and Cherokee, turtle clan (dbiki anung indignikaz mikinak totem) from Oklahoma. I am multiply disabled medically high maintenance, reclaimed pansexual indigenous 2spirit femme (she/they), with gratitude living on Anishnabeg haudenesaunee and neutral territory. 

A plant medicine that speaks to me is  Dandelion medicine represents to me wild, eternal, tenacious, powerfully sacred, connected "common-unities", deeply rooted in Relationships with all creation- sacred cycles of creation's revolutions.... Dandelions are dancing "heart-y" existence as resistance, the powerful wild yellow hope that pushes through sidewalk.

Joni NehRita (She/Her)

I chose Ruby the unicorn because I love magical & mythical creatures & stories. They help me to keep in touch with my child self. My child self tempers a lot of the big social & systemic inequities use my voice/music to fight against that I often feel weighted by. Also, I was raised an only child & am still I'm quite content in my own little world...

Hilda (Them/Them)

Traced komon dragon laying down with a beef eater on. Made with Marker & Pencil Crayon.

Liz (She/Her)

My name is Liz, and my pronouns are she/her.

This is how I’m feeling after 3.5 months of pandemic-related isolation. I still see so much beauty and colour in the world, and in my life, but do I feel it? I feel disconnected. My home is both a welcome shelter and a cage. Who am I, in here, without the places and people and activities that usually nourish and sustain me? The sun still shines, bringing blossom and new green life, yet it isn’t always life-bringing; it also darkens, it singes, it casts chilled shadow. Some of us, it doesn't reach at all. Still, there is beauty, and hope. I want to find the possibility in all this, follow the hopeful path to a better future. I wonder if we will.

Laila (She/Her)

This image represents me because I hope to be like this cat: I hope I brighten everyone’s day, even if they only see me for a moment in passing.

Harper (She/Her)

Maeve (She/Her)

My nam I Leave Hind. This is an image I chose to represent myself because I feel like it is a good reflection of me and how I’ve been feeling the past couple of months. The organic lines and fluidity are meant to represent how I’m trying to flow with the changes that the pandemic has created. Trying to let my anxieties come and go like the stream of a river, rather than ruminating on them. The image of my body holds the eye, meant to represent my mind’s eye or my higher self as this is something I have been trying to achieve by finding a middle path between my emotions and rationality. This image represents me well as it shows that there have been changes and it shows how I personally have been working through those changes. The colours, the shapes, the lines, the directionality all come from me and in turn represent me.

Sutha (She/Her) 

My name is Sutha Yoganathan. I chose this image to represent me because creativity is enjoyment If we are passionate about what we doing we will feel fulfilled. Anything can be art or tell a story the way we look at it will give it meaning. 

Patty (She/Her)

My name is Patty Douglas. I co-created this image with my mom and an autistic artist to represent the body of social justice work I currently do both creatively and as an academic teaching and researching. It is an image of a circle with the ends flying free, in motion, which is water-like and fire-like at the same time. If I could be an object it would be this image - both water in motion and a flame, moving with and in the world around me, nourishing life while at the same time creating change.

Why this image - I particularly love how the image was co-created and made through important relationships with my mom and an autistic artists, and how it can be/is many different changing things. I have chosen to share the draft drawing rather than the finished product, which went back and forth between and with these amazing women! It was my vision that was then brought alive in relationship - a collaboration and a process, which I think is the more beautiful and important part of life.

Tilynn (She/Her)

I chose a picture of a wave, that looks like it's about to crash in the water. If I was anything in nature I would be water. 

I chose this image because waves are like a cycle, it comes big and slowly decreases and starts over again. Waves are like me because their size is my passionate, it will push anyone out the way to achieve my passionate, it runs out but it restarts every time. If my passion is too big, it will be a stain that cannot be reverse, onto many lost souls.

Georgia (She/her)

I chose this image to represent me because (right now) the low, gentle light of sunset, the long shadows, and a familiar pathway, speak to me. Introspective and patient, paired with an inevitable unsettled-ness about what the next day brings. There is a ‘calm before...’ in my heart that is both disconcerting and exciting. I have begun and completed many adventures from this particular pathway. I am grateful for this adventure together.

Barbara (She/Her)

Here is a photo that I took. This image represents me because it is chaotic, colourful and messy.

The animal that I would choose at this moment in time is the squirrel.  

Running around frantically trying to gather my nuts. Looking about, darting around being extra fidgety in order to avoid contact with the virus. Then curling up and resting in my nest

Michelle (She/Her)

Hi I'm Michelle Miranda! I chose the lily as the image that would best describe me. This beautiful flower has been a symbol that I have carried with me throughout my life. It is not only my favourite flower, but reminds me of the growth, change, challenges, and beauty that comes with life. I believe this image represents my passion for life, my connection with nature, and my love of family and friends - as I used to garden with my mom and grandmother as a child. This image also represents my love of art and self expression as I created this wood burning piece several years ago. I am so excited to be a part of this project with all of you and hope, like this lily, that we can grow, share and connect through this journey together. 

Rashmeet (She/Her)

My name is Rashmeet Kaur. I chose to represent myself as a prism that disperses light. I feel like I'm currently at a point in my life that I'm constantly learning new things, as a student, employee, and member of my community. I then make sense of all of this information and redistribute it back through various methods, including but not limited to tests, research, and my actions. 

Also, in my first language, Punjabi, my name translates to friend of light. For most of my life, I thought that I had to sacrifice parts of my identity in order to fit in and be seen. However, I have come to the realization that although it is not easy to always love every part of ourselves all the time, it's important to accept that these parts make us whole. It's helped me realize that I'm much stronger as my entire self.

Michelle/Mich (She/Her/They/Them) 

Simply a weed in one's eye, a true blessing in another. 

Fighting not to be sprayed, stomped or smothered. 

So much to give, perseverance abounds.

A testament thrust from the depths of the ground.

Why I selected this metaphor:  Although it will continue to be true that not everybody likes or sees the value in me I have strength at my core and am driven by knowing I can give to others, like a gift of a sweet treat for a weary blessed bee, I have more to offer than just what's immediately seen. 

Emily (She/Her)

My name is Emily Fuller, and I go by she/her pronouns! I felt inspired to do a painting on an old vinyl, given my love for music. I found this one at the thrift store, called "Anyone Who Goes To A Psychiatrist - Should Have His Head Examined!", which further inspired me to reclaim it. I've struggled with my mental health from a young age, and was diagnosed at the age 13. I've experienced a lot of ignorance and bigoted remarks in my short life so far, so it felt really relieving to reclaim an old piece of media that furthered the stigma around seeking professional help. On the vinyl, I decided to draw an arrangement of flowers, butterflies, and clouds. I've always been terrified of butterflies, but in recent years, I've definitely learned to see the beauty in them. I have since felt like they were the perfect metaphor for me reclaiming my life and battling my severe anxiety disorder. Soaring over obstacles that once terrified me. The flowers are meant to symbolism my growth. Lastly, I decided to include darkened clouds to still acknowledge that I do, and will forever, carry around my mental illnesses. They will never leave me, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll always weigh me down. Sometimes things seem a little darker, but other days, the clouds are wispy white streaks in the sky. 

Bri (She/Her)

My name is Briana, I usually go by Bri.

This image was something I sketched a couple of weeks ago when feeling down about all of the black lives lost around the world to police brutality. I think it's so valuable to take time to reflect and remind myself that I am worthy, no matter the microaggressions I may face on a day to day basis that try and bring me down and make me feel small. 

Rangana (She/her)

My name is Rangana Talpe Guruge. I think this photo best describes me because it was from a time I was genuinely and thoroughly content. I was leaning against the snowy mountainside while hiking in the Rockies with my family. I highly value time with my family as well as connecting with nature. Although life is never perfect, this photo reminds me that I am capable of seeing the best in a situation, even ones that are completely unpredictable like this ongoing pandemic.  

If I were an animal, I think I would be a tardigrade because I’d like to think I am resilient. 

Ayisha (pronounced eye-sha) (She/Her)

I chose an image of Koi fish to represent myself. Koi fish originates from Japan, directly meaning good fortune. It is associated with perseverance in adversity and strength in purpose. According to Japanese legends, if a Koi fish succeeded in climbing the falls at a point called Dragon Gate on the Yellow River, it would be transformed into a dragon. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement. One of the primary reasons Koi fish are symbolic in Japanese culture is because there are known for swimming upstream no matter what the conditions are. I hope this image portrays to my peers the perseverance I have to achieve my goals even when I fail.

Ariel (She/Her)

Her object is a lioness. Strength and power and relates to her name.

Drew a beautiful picture of a lioness (Strong, powerful). Ariel also means lioness. Ariel has always connected to that image.


This is a painting I did a few years ago. It represents my inner child.  I feel like this often- especially during these times of reflection and re-education. My white privilege allowing me to learn of the truth of systemic racism and our nations history as an adult.

Traicee Chan (She/Her)

Crow/Raven: I have a strong affinity with all birds, part of it is my yearning for the absolute freedom of flight, being able to go from place to place and never in a straight line. The Crow/Raven is often misunderstood and demonized as a bad omen, its inky feathers embodying the darkness and the fear that darkness brings. For me, the Crow/Raven is anything but, its clever, adaptable, industrious, curious and in some lore, considered a sentinal. These qualities speak strongly to me.

This image I chose really connects to my sense of humour. I find it humourous that the Crow/Raven is painting with what looks like blood, so diligently, so purposefully. I wonder if my journey through this project will look very similar to this?

Jaskiran (She/Her)

If I would want to be something right now, I would be rain. It has always brought calmness and peace for me. Especially during my time back home, rain would usually be followed by power cuts. It would give me time to take a break and focus on what really matters. I hope to be what the rain signifies for me, to someone else.


Aanii Boozhou kina weya! Mino gizheb! Waabano kwe dagaa. Ajiijaak n'dodem. Anishinaabekwe - Mi'kmaki Unimaki Eskasoni Ojibwe enda. Nokomis.

Hi It is an honour to meet you/welcome you as we are journeying together on this path! It is a special morning.  My English name is Carol. Creator knows me, my spirit, by another name. My Clan is Crane/Ajiijaak - specifically the Great Blue Heron. I'm an Anishnaabe kwe, being, living and doing on these ancestral lands of the Michi Saagiig. My father's Mi'kmaw roots are from the East Coast, Nova Scotia, Bras d'Or. My Mother's roots are Ojibwe from here, the Gathering Place, Michi Saagiig Anishinaabeg - this is my home. My Grandfather's ancestry on my mother's side is Celtic - a Scot/Irish/Welsh mix. I am a Grandmother.... 

Many people of all ages call me Nokomis/grandmother, or mom, or auntie or sister. In the language the importance rests, or respect is given by the community, for the manner in which a grandmother's responsibilities, accountabilities and relationships are lived in a kind way - for self, family, neighbourhood, community at large, and all our relations.  The Anishinaabemowin emphasis is on the 'doing' as it is a language of verbs [actions], doing is always relational or in relationship with, and everything in Creation has a unique spirit.  So English grammar which has a focus on pronouns, inanimate and animate objects, many adjectives and nouns has caused different understandings in translations over the years. Sometimes such labels create distancing, and does not nurture the interconnectedness of All Our Relations.

Walking my path has been and will continue to be a very humbling experience. Elders will say that you, yourself alone, will choose to learn, understand, know and use [or experience] what you need when you need it.  That 'answers' are held within your blood memory and within all Creation. 

Life in many ways is a 'vision quest'.  Many spirits are called to journey intentional 'vision quests'.  Anishinaabeg understand that the spirit chooses to come to and to experience this physical realm.

We come with the name Creator knows us by and that name holds the unique gifts, accountabilities and responsibilities of that spirit. 

Similarly when we birth

We are the medicine and have been gifted original teachers, our spirit's kin. 

We each have many original teachers [way before two-leggeds appeared], and some intentional origianl teachers based on how 'we touch, walk softly, gently on our Mother the Earth....

These teachers 'know' how to hold all that is, in a constant flow, always seeking balance in a lasting way. 

These teachers are the voices of the many Clans. How Clans are in relation with each other is how balance, and decisions in this Place unfold since the beginning. 

It is beautifully healing to 'live your inner child' to imagine yourself as a metaphor. We should all do this more often....

There are world views where there is no need or want to imagine the self as a metaphor because there are world views where you are the metaphor. My Clan/Great Blue Heron was/ is my spirit's first and forever teacher. The Great Blue Heron holds unique gifts, accountabilities and responsibilities for and with my spirit, heart, mind, and body. These are my interconnections with all Creation. What does that mean each day when I express my gratitude to Creation and Grandfather Sun?  

That's another story...…

Malissa (Em) (She/Her/They/Them)

This image is of an empty fire pit. It represents me in many ways. There is always a fire ready to burn in me when it comes to Black Liberation. There are times when my fire is blazing and I am screaming Black Lives Matter until my throat hurts. Other times I am dancing like flames and reclaiming my joy, happiness and freedom of expression. Other times I am blazing fiercely towards Black Liberation ready to take on institutional, interpersonal, and ideological oppression regardless of the form it takes. Still other times I am tired and feeling burnt out like this flameless fire pit image. Sometimes I need rest but this is just one of my many phases and I know eventually my fire will burn bright again.

Lori (She/Her)

I chose a snail to represent how I have been feeling during this quarantine time. I feel slow and have been retreating into my shell if something bonks me on the horns and this distancing has been bonking me on the horns a lot. I’m looking forward to this community that we are creating. I’ll see you (virtually) soon.

Abby (She/Her)

Hi. If I was something in nature I’d be water. Here’s I am in a canoe enjoying some freshly pumped lake water! Yum! This image is from my latest backcountry canoe trip me and my partner went on in Algonquin. I love water because it is vital to life and creativity. I also find it becomes your way of life more than it normally is while canoeing. It’s how you move, how you think, and you have to listen carefully to what the water has to say.

I’m a lot like water in the sense that I can be calm and easy going in one moment, and rapidly change to being wavy and storm like. Constantly changing.

Chawntay BarrettShe/Her

If I had to pick something to represent myself in this phase of my life I would choose a tree, specifically a deciduous one. I'm in a very transionary phase in my life, but I am growing and changing with the seasons, just like a tree. I've always admired that about them. With nurturing and self awareness I hope to continue growing strong and resilient.


In the water, there are cat tails. On the trail (black) that is me in my wheelchair walking a dog. I painted some trees and bushes. The animal on the ground to the right with the white tail and pink ears is a "rabbit". The silver circles are rocks. I also painted a black bench. I also painted a "red wing black bird in one of the trees in the middle. I also painted a brown fence.

Talia B

Shera Mekhail (She/Her)

Hi there! I chose this image to represent me as it was taken on my first outing after isolation and a very, very long time of spending my days indoors. To me this poppy is stretching out to the sun. Reaching, searching and hoping for light to help it grow. One isolated flower, finally blooming after a long time of darkness. It is an image of encouragement and resilience and one that I look to for inspiration to try another day, fight another fight, and find life and growth in the environment I am residing in.

Judy S (She/Her)

So this image explains me because it is based on a Polish elf from the series <The Witcher>. Many people were upset about the diversity of the casting as people casted were not identical races as the mythical beings described in the book. I painted this to say "the colour doesn't change the character". I'm not good at arguing with words and I am better with pictures. Also, I used to be the only black girl in Polish school growing up. If I were to be any natural thing I would be a sea turtle, specifically Crush from finding Nemo because his last message was "150 years old dude, and still young". As I age I still feel like a child, just with a few more responsibilities.

Talia (She/Her)

I like trees because they are pretty. A big tree (strong, because I am a strong woman). It provides shade and comfort.

Sarah (She/Her)

Listening to the birds. Enjoying enjoying nature around my home.

Jesse (He/Him):

Auror Badge that Jesse Created. Protects everyone from the wizards of dark magic. Keeps everyone safe. Represents his connection to family and a group of individuals.

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Art In Hard Times

Virtual Mural

We acknowledge the history of displacement, colonization, and extermination of Indigenous people, plants and living animals across Turtle Island while we stand and live in these lands. We acknowledge the 300 years of slavery and many other deliberate projects forgetting and erasure based on race, ability, mental illness, gender and sexuality, and class. We also need to bring to mind that the devices such as computers and phones required for this project, are created as a result of extraction of resources of metals and the exploitation of labour from places in Africa and South America. This is destroying the environment and leaving communities in poverty. We acknowledge that although the participants in the project speak a wide range of beautiful languages, we are limited to using the colonial language English. This excludes many new immigrants, and perpetuates the loss of many native languages. Furthermore, even though we believe internet should be a utility and not a luxury, we recognize this platform requires internet and this is also a big barrier for many friends who do not have access. We are confronting many difficulties to do our work in the most ethical way possible. We want to go beyond acknowledging these realities taking action, and we are far from where we would like to be. We are deeply grateful to the spiritual leaders, activists, elders, knowledge-holders, scientists, healers, and witches who have dedicated their lives lifting our spirit, raising awareness, educating, healing, and guiding. We are committed to learning and unlearning how to be in and build relationships with local communities, and honour local knowledge that is often misrepresented or misheard. We are here ready to fail, be with the discomfort, and continue listening, loving, and creating. We are trying our best to reinvent and regenerate our ways of being, sharing, and connecting with each other and with the earth. We invite you to be part of this co-creation, and we welcome your feedback. 

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